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 Shalena Dudley is dedicated to living by example while she finds joy in encouraging others to walk in their divine purpose. She is known as “The Counselor” to her colleagues, family and friends due to her wealth of knowledge in the areas of emotional and spiritual maturity. Possessing a special love and ability to connect with women from all walks of life, in 2019 she founded the organization Kingdom Moms Win, where she provides support and encouragement for the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health of women. From the success of Kingdom Moms Win, she has produced several online magazine publications in which an abundance of topics are covered within the pages. She takes pride in allowing her organization to be an anchor for Christian women across the globe.


Shalena is a graduate of Norfolk State University, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts’ degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a minor in English Education. She later earned her Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Counseling, from Liberty University. She is currently working on her Doctorate of Education (EDD) in Community Care and Counseling: Marriage and Family Counseling. She has worked as a Literacy Coach, Child-Led Play Therapist, Autism Paraprofessional, and currently teaches middle school ELA. Through her educational accomplishments and life experiences, the road has been chartered for her to continue to pursue education while passionately counseling marriages and families.


Shalena is the author of the G.R.A.C.E Model, which is available to all educators who are intentional about witnessing documented growth in students’ academic careers. Shalena’s desire is for every student to be shown grace in the classroom as it translates into healthy teacher/student relationships.


Shalena’s accolades are growing professionally, but her first success is the investment in her family. She consistently dominates in her domestic life as a wife, mom, and leading lady. She is a devoted wife of 19 years to her childhood best-friend, Pastor Lewis Dudley II. She is also the mother of three children: Amira, Lewis III, and Adonai. By extending grace to her household, her children have been able to develop into their authentic identities. Amira is a well rounded young adult pursuing a career in nursing, Lewis III is a disciplined young man exploring his talents in both basketball and computer technology, and Adonai is a social butterfly and talented basketball player. Shalena prides herself in taking the best care of her family and supporting them in becoming the best version of themselves.


Shalena will continue to follow her first love: ministry. Before the evolution of marriage and children, her first call was to ministry. She accepts invitations to conferences, panels, training, and more because she understands that her example of obedience is the best gift not only to her family, but to the world.

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The book "The Grace Model" is a charming and helpful book created especially for teachers who see their careers as opportunities to create a more compassionate and kinder world.

It concentrates on the reality that every student we meet in the classroom is a unique human being, who flourishes as teachers commit to showing grace, compassion and endurance.

There is a great interest in teachings that permeate the book's pages. The book is organized around several proven principles, which serve as reminders for every teacher. Extending grace to the students first begins with accepting grace as a teacher, which proactively secures the foundation. An example of such is providing yourself with permission to make mistakes. To effectively manage a group of students, you must exemplify freedom and acceptance which gives your students a heart of compassion towards their own mistakes. This, in essence, embodies the word: GRACE.


Greater Relationships through Applying Compassion and Endurance.

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