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The book "The Grace Model" is a charming and helpful book created especially for teachers who see their careers as opportunities to create a more compassionate and kinder world.

It concentrates on the reality that every student we meet in the classroom is a unique human being, who flourishes as teachers commit to showing grace, compassion and endurance.

There is a great interest in teachings that permeate the book's pages. The book is organized around several proven principles, which serve as reminders for every teacher. Extending grace to the students first begins with accepting grace as a teacher, which proactively secures the foundation. An example of such is providing yourself with permission to make mistakes. To effectively manage a group of students, you must exemplify freedom and acceptance which gives your students a heart of compassion towards their own mistakes. This, in essence, embodies the word: GRACE.


Greater Relationships through Applying Compassion and Endurance.

The GRACE Model

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